5th RSRI Conference on Recent trends in Science and Engineering
25-26th August 2022
Organized by
REST Labs & REST Society for Research International
(both offline and online Presentation)
List of Paper published in this AIP Conference proceedings
1. A Study On the Role of Marketting on Tourism Industry with Special Reference to Nilgiris
2. Application of Topsis Technique For Financial Performance Evaluation of Nifty Fmcg Companies
3. A Study on Awareness of People About Insurance Products During Pandemic
4. Conceptualized Study on Ballistic Tracking System Technologies
5. Satellite Communication Technology: Opportunity and Challenges
6. Experimental and Fea Investigation of V Shape Spring with Steel and Composite Materials under Static Loading Conditions
7. A Review on Experimental And Fea Investigation of V Shape Spring With Steel and Composite Materials under Static Loading Conditions
8. Integrating The Potential of Wind Energy Versus Solar Energy to Produce Electrical Energy
9. Generalizing Ramaujan Summation
10. On Solving a Quadratic Diophantine Equation Involving Powers of 21
11. On Solving Quadratic Diophantine Equations of Euler Type
12. Ramanujan Summation for Number of Diagonals in a Polygon
13. Solving Pair of Quadratic Diophantine Equations
14. Protecting Against Malicious Code Injection in Reviews on Web Applications
15. Standardization and Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images using Neural Networks
16. Risk Estimation and Predicting of Knee Osteoarthritis Using Deep Learning Based On X- Rays and Mri Images
17. CNN based image Quality Improvement in Handheld Ultrasound Device
18. A Comparative Study of Retinal Microaneurysm Identification in Early Stage
19. Framework for Intrusion Prevention Based on Block Chain in IOT Environment
20. Illicit Determination Systemin Internet of Things Background
21. Cesaro – Like Summation for Certain Divergent Series
22. A Study on Usage of Social Media Platforms And Its Effect on The Stock Prices With Respect To Covid-19 Pandemic
23. Assessment of Purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management Activities in Chennai Consumer Goods Retail Industry
24. Discontinuity in the Environment, Firm Response and Dynamic Capabilities of Employees in Auto Components Industry at Sriperumbuthur, Chennai
25. Unilateral Ligation As Nephropathy Mice Model In Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
26. Impact of Digital Leadership on Project Management in the Disruptive Digital Era
27. A study on the effectiveness of e-recruitment in an it company, chennai.
28. Green Hrm and its impact on Employee’s Satisfaction
29. A Novel, Trustworthy Electronic Voting System Based on Qr Code
30. Suitability of Using Construction Waste, Pvc, And Coconut Shells As A Substitute For Concrete
31. Investigation on Impact of Remuneration on Employee’s Performance in Banking Industry
32. Fabrication and Design of Solar Powered Smog Filter for Enhancing Air Quality Index
33. Design of a Wireless Charging Station with Dd Detection and a Smart Parking System
34. Fpga Based Real-Time Health Care Monitoring System
35. A Noval Parametric Model for the Prediction and Analysis of the Covid-19 Virus Using Machine Learning
36. Fabrication and Design of Military Bot Using Matlab
37. Examing Emotional Intelligence of Software Insustry Professionals – An Exploratoty Study
38. Enhancing performance of 3-phase grid integrated solar photovoltaic system Using fuzzy control algorithm
39. Enhanced Privacy Preserving Transaction System Using Blockchain
40. Design and Implementation of Vlsi Architecture In Discrete Hadamard Transform
41. Design and Implementation of 31 Levels Asymmetric Inverter with Minimum Count Of Switches
42. Design and Generation of Electric Power from Sound Energy Using Effective Microphone
43. Design and Fabrication of Bio- Composite Helmet Using Glass and Banana Fiber
44. Design and Development of Smart Survillence Rover Using Rocker Bogie Mechanism
45. Design and Development of Smart Patient Assistance System Based on Iot
46. Design and Development of Sensor Network Platform Based on Iot in Smart Agriculture
47. Design and Creation of Decentralized social media plat form based on blockchain Technology
48. Comparative Study of Water Quality by Using Various Natural Co-Agulants
49. A Systematic Review on Stress Management in Healthcare Institutions
50. Design and development of CPAP for sleep apnea
51. Automated Question Generation System Using Natural Language Processing To Meet Educational Needs
52. An Improvised Watermarking Technique To Minimize Distortion Using Time-Stamp Information
53. An Improvised Algorithm for User Profiling in Bank Fraud Detection Based on Ranking Metrics
54. An Experimental Study on Employee Safety and Measures in Automobile Industry
55. An Embedded Based Bio-Metric Platform for Smart Transactions
56. An Effective Privacy Preserving Technique for Cloud Storage
57. An Artificial Intelligence Enabled Smart Home Control and Security System
58. An Advanced Open Phase Fault Tolerance Technique for Induction Motors Utilizing 4-Leg Inverter
59. A Smart and Automated Traffic Management for Clearing the Path for Ambulances Using Rssi
60. A Perspective Study on Analyzing Effectiveness of Employee Training and Development
61. A Comparative Study of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Credit Card Fraudulent Detection
62. Wireless Data Communication System Based on Li-Fi Using Leds
63. Solar Panel as A Source of Energy
64. Smart Dustbin-Garbage Monitoring Systemwith Sensors and Arduino
65. Smart Drainage Monitoring and Controlling System Using Iot
66. Self Activating Obliterates System for Automobiles
67. Reactive Dyeing and Role of Electrolyte on Various Cotton Knittedfabrics - A Study
68. Pq Improvement- Battery Energy Storage System Using Upqc
69. Non-Invasive Detection of Diabetes Mellitus via Exhaled Breath
70. Manual Electrical Energy Generation Using Piezoelectric Material
71. Intelligent Locking of Engine for Safe Driving
72. Infrared Bidirectional Controlleddc Motor Using Television Remote
73. Implementing the Creation of Electricity Based on Bioenergy Using Food Waste
74. Human Following Robot
75. High Performance Ripple Carry Adders for Reconfigurable Architecture for Vlsi Design
76. A Smart Prevention System Using Rfid During Covid 19
77. A new approach of Intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measure in Medical diagnostic problem
78. Analysis of Block chain Network using TOPSIS Method
79. Simulation of Effective Laptop Cooling System Using Phase Change Material
80. Iot Based Real Time Fire Fighting Vehicle Prototype Creation Using Arduino
81. Implementation of an enhanced voice recognition system for visually and hearing-impaired people using Raspberry pi
82. Experimental Investigation of Date Seed Filler Reinforced Bio-Polymer Composite
83. Development of Interactive Child Monitoring System Using Internet of Things
84. Design and Implementation of Higher Order Matched Filter based on oddandeven Phase Process
85. A Novel High Gain-High Efficiency Dc-Dc Converter for Pv And Battery Based Bldc Motor
86. A Comparative Study on Malicious Website Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm
87. Analysis of Big Data technology using ARAS method
88. ClassroomManagement by Blended learning for Teaching Emergency contraception
89. Sensory Marketing and Customer Buying Decision
90. Indian OTT market – Qualitative analysis of recent trends
91. A Comparative Study of Different Neural Network Techniques for Breast Cancer Detection
92. A Deep Learning Based Classification of Benign and Malignant Bone Tumour Detection
93. Implementation of Student Behaviour Analysis Using Neural Network Algorithms on Web-Based Learning Portfolios
94. Enhancing Segmentation Accuracy in Brain Tumour Analysis by Implementing Image Fusion Using DTCWT
95. Experimental Analysis of Applying Almond and Walnut Shells with Epoxy Resin Composite
96. Iot Based Real Time Implementation of Fault Detection and Electricity Monitoring With the Use of Node MCU
97. Character Identification and Converting Audio Using Clustering And Rnn Method For Visually Disabled Persons
98. Optimizing Search Engine by Constructed Domain Ontology Extraction from Social Network Recommended Regional Linguistic Semantic Approach
99. Impact of Electronic Waste on Environment and Its Management an Overview
100. Privacy Preservation of Information Based on Iot for Real Time Healthcare Systems
101. Achieving secure two-party computation Using optimal pixel expansion
102. Design and Implementation of Intelligent Garbage Collection System Using Internet of Things
103. 31-Level Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Optimal Number of Switches For Power Applications
104. Investigation of Kevlar with Sisal Fibre and Al2o3 Filler Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composites
105. Electro Chemical Micro Machining of Stainless Steel 304: An Experimental Analysis
106. A Comparative Study on Live-Stock Data Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
107. An Intelligent and Energy Efficient Street Light Implementation Based on Iot
108. A Multi-Cloud Approach for Secure Data Storage Using Double Signature Based Cryptography Ds-Sha256 Methodology in Cloud Computing
109. Segmentation of Skin Lesions from Human Body Using Regional Convolutional Neural Network
110. Modeling Heart Disease Diagnosis with Machine Learning Paradigm
111. Analysis of Pandemic Influenza and Perception of Patterns and Transmission Based On Temporal Data
112. A Study on Network Analysis in Airline Map
113. Evaluation of Covid–19 Pandemic Prediction Models using Machine Learning Algorithms
114. Classifying the status of CKD using Randomized Weighted OptimizationModel
115. Comparison of MCDM Approach to Evaluate the Optimal Selection of Cloud Service Provider
116. Machine Learning Classifier Algorithms to Predict Fake News: A Comparative Study
117. Analysis and comparison of various predictive algorithms for dengue fever: A survey
118. A study of iot based technologies to build a Wearable system for visually impaired people
119. Detailed Review on Phytophthora Infestans on Tomato Plant
120. A Cyclopedic Crime Prediction Survey Utilizing DataMiningStrategies
121. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Categorical Encoding Methods on Higher Secondary Student’s Datafor Multi-Class Classification
122. Feature Selection And Segmenting Disease Affected Areas on Plantain Leaf Using Conventional Method
123. Organizing SDC (Sensor Duty Cycling) on Incident Recognition Using Two Way Long Short-Term Memory using Artificial Internet of Things (AIOT) Succeeding Generations
124. Privacy Preservation Scheme For Healthcare Cloud Using Otp Authentication And Extended Multi-Honey Encryption With Differential Whale Optimization Algorithm
125. A Review on Detection of Cybersecurity Threats in Banking Sectors Using Ai Based Risk Assessment
126. A Review on Blockchain technology in Healthcare application based secure Electronic Records Management
127. Self-Directed Learning And Decision Making Ability Among Higher Secondary Students
128. Blended BFD Symmetric Encryption Algorithm
129. The Role of Machine Learning Models for Healthcare Applications
130. A Study on Data Security in Cloud Computing
131. Regression Data Analysis Approach onCOVID-19 Prediction
132. Study and analysis of various privacy preserved data sharing framework in E-government system based on consortium blockchain A challenging overview
133. A Study of Diabetics Retinopathy Using Fundus Camera
134. Comparison Analysis on Research Progress in Detecting Jasmine Plant Diseases Using Machine Learning Techniques
135. Prediction of Blood Disorder and Cancer using Artificial Neural Networks: A Review
136. Face Recognition Based Location Aware System Using Advance Dynamic Enviornmental Based Ontology Modeling (Adeontom)
137. Exploration of discrete optimization algorithm for feature selection established on machine learning(ml) for prediction of Chronic kidney disease (ckd)
138. Stock Trend Prediction Model Based on RBF-SVM Algorithm
139. High-Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite Images Classification and Retrieval Model based on Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix
140. Empirical analysis survey for authentication scheme using cryptosystem
141. Segmentation & Threshoilding of Covid-19 and Lung Cancer Using Enhanced Ct Images
142. A Hybrid Approach for Prediction and Classification in Rice Plant Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithm
143. A Stdy in Analysing the Barriers Related To the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Supply Chain Management Process in Retail Industry
144. Exploring the Impact of Performance Management System on Employee Engagement In Private Banks
145. Evaluation of supplier selection problem using MOORA MCDM Method
146. Economic feasibility and ranking of Solar power potential using TOPSIS approach
147. Performance analysis of Manufacturing companies and agencies using ELECTRIC method
148. Hazardous Wastes Evaluation using of DEMEATEL method
149. A Metaheuristic approach on Virtual Machine Allocation using Backtracking and Simulated Annealing in cloud computing
150. VPN Shield Integrated with Security Software (Vs3) for Hidden Android Apps Attack
151. Apple Disease Identification and Classification Using Image Processing: A Review
152. Digital Solution for Cyber Crime against Feminine Victim
153. A Clustering Mechanism for Minimization of Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Network
154. Solving Real-World Problem of Assigning Nurse-to- Patients
155. Neurodegenerative Disease Segmentation Using Unsupervised Encoder Decoder (Encdec) Network
156. Genetic Algorithm Decision Making Based on the COPPRAS Method Approach
157. Performance measurement of big data adoption using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method
158. Public cloud assessment using ARAS Method
159. “Relationship between the Stress and Burnout- Critical Stressors affecting Occupational Exhaustion of employees in MSMEs sector”
160. A Concise Review on Finite Element Modelling and Machine Learning for Convective Drying of Food
161. The Impact of Employee’s Income Grades on Tourism Demand: An Exploratory Study About Employees Opinion to Their Demand of Tourism in Koya Technical Institute /Iraq
162. Understanding Dyslexia in Global Context: A Review of Literature
163. The Iraqi Kurdistan Region and Peacefully Secede Through the Process of “Earned Sovereignty"
164. Work-Life Balance of Employees among Service Sector
165. Issues and Crises Emerging from Managing Natural Resources (Oil and Gas) in the Developing Countries
166. Time Management of Students: Development of a New Questionnaire
167. Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Work Engagement Among Teaching Staff at Duhok Polytechnic University
168. The Role of Information Technology In Digital Business Development ; An Experiential Text Analysis in the Literature
169. Analysis of Repurchase Intention of Shopee Online Customers in Medan City
170. Can the Leading Sector Increase Economic Growth During the Covid-19 Pandemic
171. Determining the Relationship between Tourism Marketing Strategy and Tourist Satisfaction
172. The Interplay between Leadership and Organisational Performance: What has been Discovered about Them
173. The Influence Of Green Human Resources On Green Banking Processes Implementing. Analytics Study In A Sample Of Private Banks In Kurdistan Region – Iraq
174. Recent Advances in Algal Biotechnology: Toward the Development of a Sustainable, Algae-Based Bioeconomy
175. The influencing factors on entrepreneurial mindset amongst the management students: An empirical study
176. The Impact of Implementing Motivation & Commitment on Human Resource Management: Role of Moderators of Training & Business Languages in Organization Outcomes
177. Individual And Group Behavior Based Customer Product Recommendation to Designing Information Systems SPSS Statistics
178. Evidence on Dividend Preferences Attention and IPO Valuation Retail Investor SPSS Statistics
179. VIKOR method A Case Study of The Electronic Medical Records EMRs software
180. Assessment of Distributed Software Development Using PROMETHEE Method
181. An Evaluation of Operating System Using Fuzzy ARAS Method
182. Analysis of Big Data Technologies Performance Factors Using DEMATEL Methodology
183. An Empirical Research in Software Testing in Fuzzy TOPICS Method
184. Analysis of Attendance Software Selection Problem Using Decision Testing and Evaluation Laboratory DEMATEL MCDM Method
185. A Review of Machine Learning Techniques for Processing
186. Evaluation of Network Selection using ELECTRE Method
187. Communication and Use of Intelligent Humanoid Nurse Robots Using WSM methods
188. Evaluation of E-learning using EDAS Method
189. IOT Based Smart Blood Bank Services a Review
190. Ml Based Real Time in Vehicle Air Quality Monitoring System a Review
191.Recent Trends in Legal Aspects of Business
192. A new generation of the image processing system. Using the VIKOR method
193. The Influence of Green HRM Practices on Employee Behavior An Exploratory Study on FPOs’ sustainability
194. Mixed Methodology for Broader Views in Nursing Research: An Overview
195. Traversing through the Unknown: A Review on Current understanding of Monkey Pox disease and its backdrop
196. Design And Fabrication of Vertical Stabilizer & It’ S Computational Testing
197. Vertical Take-Off and Landing
198. Experimental Approach on Design and Construction of Horizontal Stabilizer
199. Design and Experimental Analysis of Aircraft Fuselage
200. Design And Fabrication of Wing and Its Internal Structure Using Open VSP
201. Design And Fabrication of Landing Gear